Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Pecos pt. 4 The Morgan Horse Magazine August 1980

Now this, this is a true Morgan head! Looking as if "chiseled in granite", broad forehead, good space between the ears, well set eyes, large nostrils on a deep broad muzzle, and short from eye to nose. 


Monday, October 24, 2022

Pecos pt 3. The Morgan Horse Magazine August 1980

Some notes--
The photo of the Dancing Pecos was such a well known and famous photo. I think it is embedded in the memories of all us old-timers.
His head--I am going to shout here--THIS IS A MORGAN HEAD! Wide between the ears. Wide forehead. Wonderfully set on eyes that are large but not white rimmed or bulging. Short from eye to nose. A head that looks as if chiseled in granite as it used to be said of Morgan heads. Then the side profile photo does show a fault in that his back was a bit low. But he screams breed type with his deep body, substance, width, roundness. 
And sometimes his look really comes thru. Last year in August, I went to look at a Morgan. When I first saw him he stopped me in my tracks and my mind just said Pecos. He looks like that profile photo of Pecos, even to the low back. Standing in front of him, his wide back said to me Lippitt Pecos whom I had seen decades ago but who remained solidly in my memory. Having lived with "Mr. Morgan" for over a year now, I still say Pecos. His dam's grandsire was Waseeka Peter Piper whose grand sire was Pecos. yes, sometimes one line can come thru many generations later.