Take a look at his pedigree. His sire was out of Quietude whose dam and maternal grand dam were from the High Percent Old Vermont. The dam of Brown Pepper was also from High Percent lines. Her sire was Lippitt and her dam Old Vermont High Percent. The bottom mare line does go to an unrecorded mare, but since it was an Orcutt mare, chances are very good that was also a High Percent Morgan.
Brown Pepper went on to be a noted sire. Some of them are:
--Bald Mt. Belle, producing dam.
--Bell-O-Mine who produced for Townshend and Highover prefixes.
--Cajun Pepper, sire of 131 get. He also was a good show horse.
--Donene Pepper, dam of Saddleback Sultan and others.
--Donna Mae Pepper, dam for Fiddler's prefix.
--Lady Jezebel Pepper, dam of many, including Springdale King, sire of Robbi Sue Moralert.
--Little Miss Pepper, dam of 11 produce. noted as the horse behind "Pepper Power" at the Trijas prefix. She was also dam for Equinox and dam of Sweet Pepper, dam of Waseeka Peter Piper.
----Pinecrest Lee, dam of Top-T Morgans and Supreme Beam,
--Ruverna Penny Pepper, dam for Citadel and Trijas.
Sylvester, sired only 10 but one of these was Diamond Jim Brady, sire of Springtown Champagne, sire of many, including Amberfields Desperado.
--Tika Tu Pepper, dam of Dobson who was sire of 111 get and 1977 World Champion Stallion. She also had produce for Hornes and Oakwood's prefixes.
Brown Pepper has quite a long list of descendants, with many lines down to today.
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